MDxp helps you to obtain the "Assurance Prospection Accompagnement" financed by BPI France, Team France Export and the French government
If you are starting out in export and prefer to be supported in structuring your first steps and identifying the markets/countries best suited to your activities and commercial development, BPI France, Team France Export and the French government insure you against the risk of commercial failure and provide financial support to finance this support and your first prospecting actions up to a guaranteed budget of 40,000 euros.
Find out more about the offer on the BPI France website under the heading Assurance Prospection Accompagnement.
The steps involved in the scheme are clearly described in the video below produced by BPI France.
To access the application file: click here
For more information on how it works, or if you would like to be supported in this process, contact us by phone at +336 03 17 92 45 (M. Mathieu CHARLEUX) or by email using the form below: